We create a FREE customized
preview image for your individual
LEGO-mosaic. Just try it out!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Here you will find useful hints and informations about your LEGO mosaic

What happens once I´ve uploaded my image at Brixels?

Once you completed the order process successfully, you will receive an e-mail within a few minutes with the confirmation of your order. Within 2-3 days you get one or more preview images via your e-mail, as well as all information about the payment. After you have chosen your favourite picture, your mosaic is going to be created according to these guidelines. Once we received the payment, your mosaic will be shipped as soon as possible.

How is the cutout of the portraits determined?

Each photo is different in format and size of the displayed image. Brixels factors these criteria and chooses the best suitable cutout according to our designer´s best judgement. If there are several suitable motif cutouts a choice is being forwarded to you and you decide which image you like best.

What shall I do if I do not like my pre-image by Brixels?

No problem. Just write us an e-mail to info@brixels.net and tell us your wishes. As soon as possible you will receive a new preview image sent with your requested changes. If you decide to use a totally new image as a motif, you'll find a link to a page of Brixels in the e-mail which was sent along with the preview image. There you can upload a new picture for your LEGO portrait.

What quality has my image to have to use it as a template for a LEGO mosaic?

Brixels verifies that the quality of your picture is suitable to serve as a template. It is important that you can clearly identify the subject and that it is not extremely over-or underexposed or blurry.

Does my template have to be a black and white picture?

No. Your picture can be a black and white image or a color photo. Your picture will be converted into grayscale by Brixels.

Are the LEGO portraits also available in color?

No. Due to the small selection of colored LEGO bricks you get insufficient results for coloured LEGO portraits and therefore these are not offered by Brixels.

How can I pay?

You can either pay in the form of an international bank transfer or use Paypal with the e-mail address info@brixels.net for a quick and easy payment. Credit cards are currently not accepted. The account informations will be sent to you along with the preview images in an e-mail.


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Assembling LEGO portraits yorself

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